
Learnig log outside the classroom2

Students’ Approaches to Learning and
Teachers’ Approaches to Teaching in
Higher Education


This research has the idea, method, and the range searching. There are the relationship between the students and their ideas about learning and the relationship between the teachers’ concept to teaching and understanding. They prepare evaluation of teaching methods and learning method. There are two methods of teacher teaching and students learning in this researching.
First, how to teach the students in higher education. They stated that there are five different ways of the teachers teach in these different terms and concepts in their strategies. There are featured teacher methods is the target of distributed information to students and other students is strength and a purpose.
Second, how to learn in higher education. It had the methods of study in university such as a deep understanding to the basis of the content in the course; a superficial is the basis of the contents in the course and the basic strategy of how to get the highest grade. However, the student should use different methods in different situations. It has evaluation methods and questionnaires classes for explore to use of these tools that have been identified by the students themselves.
In conclusion, the research into learning and teaching in the university with a wide ran variety of concepts, methods, and searching theory and practice in relation. In addition, there are provides tools that can be easily to develop an understanding of learning and teaching in the course. So, teachers are a key element in learning of students and students are an important element in the teaching of teachers.


